THE FEMALE QUIXOTE HOMELESS DIARYtravelling all the way down to you.
當灰姑娘遺失了她的玻璃鞋,火金姑不再發亮;當天空找不到任何星光,世界一片寂靜;當人們不再互相打招呼,聽見樹在嘆息;當時間短得無法忘記,而永恆只有一秒時…我看完了DER VORLESER, 然後想起你。When Cinderella lost her glass shoes, Firefly is no longer shiny; When there is no starlight on the sky, The world is calm and quiet;When people no longer make greetings to each other,The tree is sighing;When time is too short for forgetting, The eternal takes only one second... I have read DER VORLESER. And start think of you.